He is a professor in management at the Management Department, Kwik Kian Gie School of Business and Information Technology, Jakarta. He earned a master's degree in 1994 in Marketing from Prasetiya Mulya University. He also got a doctoral degree in marketing from the University of Indonesia. His research interests are in consumer behavior and brand management. His international publications include:

  1. Simamora, B. (2021). How Proponents and Opponents Influence Achievement Motivation: The Role of the Anticipated Emotions of Other People. Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, Volume 23, Issue 1, pp. 1-35 (Scopus, Sinta 1)
  2. Simamora, B., & Mutiarawati, E.V. (2021). Achievement Goals Model Validation: Is the 2X2 Better than the Trichotomous? International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, Vol. 10, No. 1, March 2021, pp. 142~149 (Scopus, Sinta 1).
  3. Simamora, B. (2021). In the Name of Love: Significant Others Influence Behavioral Intention. Humaniora, Vol. 12. No. 2, 2021, in press (Sinta 2, Microsoft Academic Search)
  4. Simamora, B. (2021). Silent Competition among Students: How Schadenfreude and Social Envy Influence Rating-based Achievement Motivation. Journal of Educational, Health and Community Psychology (IJERE), Vol. 10, No. 1, 2021, pp. 1-27 (DOAJ, Ebsco, Sinta 2).
  5. Simamora, B. (2021). Self-Efficacy and Passion-Based Decision Quality. ASEAN Marketing Journal, Vol. 13, No. 1, 2021 (DOAJ, Ebsco, Sinta 2).
  6. Simamora, B. (2021). Modeling Goal-Directed Decision Quality: A University Context, International Review of Management and Marketing, Vol. 10, No. 5, 2020, pp. 35-45 (DOAJ, Copernicus, Ebsco)
  7. Simamora, B. (2021). Modeling Passionate Decision, Management Science Letters, Vol. 11, No. 11, 2021, pp. 139–154 (DOAJ, Ebsco)
  8. Simamora, B. (2021). Strategic Decisional Beliefs: Detecting Individuals’ Choice Loyalty and Leaving Likelihood. International Journal of Social Science and Business, in review (Sinta 3)
  9. Simamora, B. (2021). Toward A General Theory of Consumer Motivation. Technium Social Sciences Journal18(1), 418–432 (DOAJ, Ebsco).
  10. Simamora, B. (2021). Achievement as Gift and Prestige: Formulating Anticipated Emotion of Others as New Determinant of Consumer Motivation. ASEAN Marketing Journal, Vol. 8, No. 1, 2016, pp. 29-53 (DOAJ, Ebsco)
  11. Simamora, B. (2021). The Quest for Inauthenticity: How Indonesian Bikers Co-Produce Value through Brand Camouflage. Gadjah Mada International Conference on Economy and Business, 25 November 2015, Yogyakarta
  12. Simamora, B. (n.d). Covid-19 Related Fear of Death Increases Students’ Cheating Behavior: A Terror Management Theory Explanation (in progress).

He also has a number of books published by notable publishers and hundreds of marketing and research materials posted on www.bilsonsimamora.com.

Contact detail: Kwik Kian Gie School of Business, Jl. Yos Sudarso Kavling 87 Sunter Podomoro, Jakarta, Indonesia, Phone: +62165307062, Fax.: +62165306967, Email:  bilson.simamora@kwikkiangie.ac.id.

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