September 2024 - February 2025
Vol. 31 No. 2 (2024)
March-August 2024
Vol. 31 No. 1 (2024)
September 2023 - February 2024
Vol. 30 No. 2 (2023)
March-August 2023
Vol. 30 No. 1 (2023)
September 2022
Vol. 29 No. 2 (2022)
Dear Readers
In this issue, we focus on the power of social media in influencing consumer choice. The first article discusses the power of Korean artists, Blackpink, used as Tokopedia's brand ambassador, to influence consumer shopping intentions. The second article focus on micro-promotion via Instagram, acted by a celebgram known as @tytantira. The question is, is the @tytantira power able to influence its followers' purchase willingness? The third article focuses on social media's effect on online shopping decisions. Using Shopee as a research context, it finds that that effect is strong but should be mediated by e-WOM. The fourth article focuses on the netizen as the reference group, whose word-of-mouth function as a promotional message. The valence of WOM into positive and negative dimensions and the other dimensions remain the same. Its finding is exciting and whimsical. The fifth article investigates the role of netizens, whose given ratings and reviews are taken into customer consideration. The question is, do ratings and reviews influence customer decisions? We have presented all the articles to satisfy the readers' thirst for quality articles. Hopefully, our articles are something of meaning.
Editor in Chief
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bilson Simamora, M.M.
March 2022
Vol. 29 No. 1 (2022)
Dear Readers
This issue begins with the review article that discusses the predisposition to behave concept. The background of the writing of this article is the massive errors in the use of the concepts of decision, intention, willingness, expectation, and volition. The author details the appropriate research context for each concept. The second article is about the effect of good governance on company value by including audit quality as a moderating variable. Trust and image are discussed as the factors that influence preference in the third article. Its research context is three different online store formats, namely marketplace (Tokopedia), classified ads (OLX), and community-based store (Kaskus). The fourth article discusses the effect of work-life balance and job satisfaction on employee productivity. The research was conducted among employees of the special area of the capital city of Jakarta. The fifth article discusses the adoption of OVO financial technology using the concept of innovation adoption. We have tried to present these articles as best we can. Hopefully, they are useful for the readers.
Best Regards
Prof. Dr. Ir. Bilson Simamora, M.M.
September 2021
Vol. 28 No. 2 (2021)
Dear Readers
In this volume, we present five articles. The first article conceptualizes and empirically verifies the original concept called strategic decisional beliefs, proposed as the indicator of the quality of individual strategic decisions. The second article investigates whether the weekend effect exists or is it just a myth. The third article uses the diamond model to investigate published income statement manipulation, including the factors that influence it. Why does environmental awareness not affect the intention to buy a self-claimed environmentally friendly product? The fourth article answers this question. The more interesting is the study of the influence of major political events on stock prices discussed in the fifth article. This study's findings can be used as a noteworthy input regarding investment decision-making during a big political event. All articles have passed the rigorous process of editing, translation, and plagiarism checks, as can be found in each article.
Editorial Board
March 2021
Vol. 28 No. 1 (2021)
Dear Readers
In this volume, we emphasize a comprehensive approach to analyzing organizational performance. The first article discusses the use of the balanced scorecard to evaluate the performance of religious organizations in the form of churches whose ultimate goal is to maintain and increase congregation members. The balanced scorecard requires a comprehensive evaluation of quantitative and qualitative aspects, accompanied by an ethnographic approach. The second article discusses the benefits spread between the two prominent marketplaces based on various attributes. This study reveals that benefits-spread contributes positively to consumers' preferences. In other words, a marketplace with higher benefits is preferred. The third article uncovers that the information value of financial statements is moderated by the conservatism approach in valuing stock price. An individual can predict the emotion of significant others and make it a goal to create or avoided by regulating his behavior. This notion is investigated in the fourth article. The fifth article adapted the Technology Adoption Model to detect the intention to use online ticketing applications. We believe that those articles are academically and practically beneficial for readers. Thank you.
Editorial Board
Jurnal Ekonomi Perusahaan
Vol. 27 No. 2 (2020)
Pembaca yang budiman
Kami menyadari bahwa pengelolaan JEP selama ini masih belum optimal. Pada volume ini kami mulai melakukan pembenahan berkesinambungan. Langkah pertama adalah menambahkan fitur yang dibutuhkan pembaca. Satu di antaranya adalah fitur bagaimana mengutip (how to cite) dengan gaya penulisan APA, MLA, Harvard, Chicago, dan Vancouver. Telah ditambahkan pula fitur view PDF, yang memungkinkan pembaca membaca artikel tanpa mendowload. Mulai volume 28 kami akan menggunakan format halaman baru, tentu dengan harapan dan semangat baru untuk menyajikan artikel-artikel ilmiah berkualitas, yang berpatokan erat pada kriteria dan etika ilmiah. Pada edisi ini kami sajikan empat artikel riset (original research), satu studi kasus dan satu studi pengembangan bisnis. Walaupun belum optimal, besar harapan kami artikel-artikel yang kami sajikan bermanfaat untuk untuk pembaca.