Investigasi Aspek-aspek Promosi Penjualan

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Bilson Simamora


In today's highly developed e-commerce era, sales promotions have become a reliable marketing communication technique for many companies. There is also much research in this field. However, many researchers need to define and operationalize sales promotions as a research variable correctly. With critical review techniques, this study found that aspects of sales promotions that can be used as observation variables are perceived value, credibility, fairness, time frame, uncertainty, congruence, requirements, and consequences. Every sales promotion technique requires different aspects. The researchers should match the sales promotions technique properly with their relevant aspects.


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How to Cite
Simamora, B. (2024). Investigasi Aspek-aspek Promosi Penjualan. Jurnal Manajemen, 13(1), 53–66.
Artikel Review


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